Saturday 13 July 2013

Things I Encountered on a Highway at 3AM (Both Literally and Figuratively)

A swarm of insects
Although we differ greatly in size, humans and insects share one common ground--there is a predictive quality in our behavior patterns.

Ants learn by interaction; though their interactions are not quite as emotionally agonizing as the ones we are forced to endure.

Moths are attracted to light, just as we are drawn to enlightenment. In both cases, the end result is disorientation. In both cases, the desire for light is self-destructive.

A honey bee's stinger is its one and only mode of defense. Once it stings its victim, the bee's stinger is detached from its body and it will subsequently face death. Mankind's fate is doubly tragic-- our stings leave us not dead, but with a hollowness that derogates our will to live.

An eery mist
A fog covers the field where you sit cross-legged with a sickle and tobacco stained teeth. Hacked weeds and headless rodents surround your dreary patch of land. There is no way for me to convince you to leave your Godless shrine, so I choose to rescue the parts of my body that did not get lost in the grey.

A single crow is an omen. A murder of crows is an ending.


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