Thursday 3 May 2012

Leave a Secret.

My blog's turning a year old soon so I thought it'd be cool if I could commemorate its one year anniversary with a semi-interactive post.

I've enabled the 'anonymous' feature on the comments' section so feel free to drop a secret about yourself/someone you know/a situation you're in that you just want to let out or/and have been harboring for much too long.

Conditions are:
  • You can write as much as you want.
  • It can be in any language, as long as the message gets across.
  • DO NOT leave any sort of identification. No hints, no initials, not even inside jokes. 

I can't track down IP addresses for the life of me,  so you can rest assured knowing that this is a safe space.

Thanks for reading my blog. If this is your first time here, hey whassshappninnnn?! Grab a chair. 

Oh and Happy (pre) Birthday, Thickety-split.


Anonymous said...

The grey matter in harmony with the heart in trepidation whenever the acoustic cover on that social platform transpires. Her voice quivers the soul. This soul kept in a vessel of Schrödinger's paradox, purring with feline admiration and silent with contemplation.

Happy birthday, prose purger.

Anonymous said...

I lost my virginity to someone I barely knew.

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with my friend's girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

I like your sarcasms,and your I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude is hot,but deep down I know you're tired of being strong,ever since your dad're an amazing person,and I know you don't need anyone,but I know you're just waiting for someone so that you could be yourself,someone that you could let your guard down.I want to be that person.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people think my life is cool, great. But to be honest, it's not for lack of trying, lack of keeping on, lack of pushing myself forward even when I feel like breaking down. I get bloody insecurities even glancing at gazelle like girls with beautiful hair and fabulous clothes. It's like a default fact, that I could never be one of those pretty cupcake princesses, all feminine and grace galore. But then again, it's a sentiment that's been repeated many times, that grass is greener on the side. The fact is, grass is greener where you water it. I keep telling myself I'm awesome. You're awesome too. (Y)

Anonymous said...

I watched my brother kill a dog and I didn't stop him. He likes to talk about it like its a big joke.

Anonymous said...

I think I might have been constantly sexually harassed by my former lover. and not knowing about it until now (i mean how could that be right? I don't know dude). Thank God that we were no longer together. There are times i feel like cutting. But there is no point to ever think about it.

Though, I am proud to admit in saving myself for someone who deserves it, and i've been single ever since the last relationship - I cannot wait to see who would be my life partner y'know? Ive been shying away from ever admitting that, because i don't want to be seen as needy, clingy whatever. But I need someone to love and be loved. Being alone sucks sometimes albeit I cherish my me-time.

This is the most personal thing i ever share with someone. I hope I won't regret it tomorrow. And if I did, I hope it can be deleted or some sort. (Is that okay with you?)

Anonymous said...

I'm not in your social circle. I met you at an event that shall remain unnamed. I appreciate your beauty, wit and intelligence. Characteristics I knew you had from the first glance. Deep conversations between us would be great, theoretically speaking. Well, I'm leaving this place soon, but I wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

I have never felt so alone.

Anonymous said...

I liked you since the first time I saw you. Every time I see you I hope something will happen like an exchange of greetings or just anything. I blame myself for this. Your beautiful as you are and you need not change anything about yourself. Sorry for the weird and awkward or stalker-ish post.

Anonymous said...

I love him but he is probably tired of my existence. Letting go is something really hard, but I hope that my heart can operate by itself. I also hope our future together is still there, too.

Anonymous said...

I like you.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't understand why do you think you're fat or ugly or whatnot. You're not. This is cliche but you ARE beautiful. I've seen you irl a few times and you're lovely. Don't let YOU think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of being in somebody else's shadow. Tired of being second best. It's annoying when people do their fun stuff and you get the mess.

Anonymous said...

I think my boyfriend's ex girlfriend is a dog.

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with your voice.

Anonymous said...

I wish I didn't have to feel so alone. I have friends around me and I have an amazing godsent boyfriend, but every day it feels like I'm fighting to trust them. And it sucks. So I wish I didn't have to.

Anonymous said...

If people weren't too keen on prying upon other people's personal business, then the world would be at indefinite peace. I'd live a blissful life, and it won't be as upsetting if these said asshats didn't have any tendency to ruin one's privacy. Oh how I solemnly wish that people would be more comprehensive with the way they think, and respect upon others' life of seclusion. Oh how I.. wish.

Anonymous said...

This is not a secret or a confession. This is just info. Fact. This is the truth. You are special, you are talented, you will grow successful. You will fail a couple of times, but you will get back up feeling stronger than ever. You, are beautiful. Stay that way. Good night.

Anonymous said...

I dont get what you're writing at times,because I believe one has to experience it in order to really understand those words.But great blog!

Anonymous said...

I think you have great music taste.
I think you're talented.
I think you have really nice hair.
I think you're beautiful.
I think I might like you.
But I also think you feel that way about someone else.

Anonymous said...

I miss my circle of friends. I miss my bestfriends. I don't really know what happened. Maybe things started to get shitty when one of my bestfriend went to boarding school. Then, all of us started to go our separate ways. Back-stabbing started. I never would've thought they would choose fame and glory over our friendship, but yeah, some of them did. It saddens me to see what they ended up to be. A stranger to me. Sometimes, I would go to the mamak stall and see her with her bunch of new, cool friends. That'd be the most awkward thing ever. Not a single hi being exchanged, not a single glance. I wish things could've stayed the way they were.

Anonymous said...

I wish that I could be you. The outside you that I see. The beautiful you. The smart you. The strong you. The talented you.

but I'll never know maybe, maybe you don't feel that way yourself because that is what I see, not what you see.

and I think that's alright though. Lets love ourselves. :)

Anonymous said...

They think my heart is easy to change. Liking too many guys.

but they don't know there's always that one person that I'm waiting for.

Anonymous said...

You deleted your twitter, you friend went frantic of your disappearance.

Your last words on tumblr "...if I had killed myself yesterday they’d only find my body on Monday when the new semester starts. If you don’t find me after 2 days, stop looking."

I'm worried.

Anonymous said...

I just want you to come home. So we could lepak at DE. I love you. Hopefully you get to read this and hopefully youre okay.

Anonymous said...

I always get excited when I see you in lecture hall.
I thought I was no longer bi ;)

I like to fart while walking in public.

Anonymous said...

I wish we were still close like we used to be when we're kids. I wish I could be there for you at times like this. Now, we rarely see each other anymore. Once a year, at most. And I want you to know that no matter what, we love you. I miss you, and your dad, too. Take care.

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