Tuesday 31 May 2011

3 things I know to be true. (Inspired by Sarah Kay's TED talk)

1. When I travel I always remember that whatever I see won't look the same the next time I see it. The bigger picture will probably stay the same more or less (the roads, the statues, the historical landmarks) but the sun won't shine in the exact same way.  The sounds I hear will be erratic melodies that I'll get to hear only once in my life. In a way, I think the same goes for life too. Everything I know (including this list) and everyone around me is susceptible to change - whether large or small.

2. If your heart burns merciless fire it only means that whatever you're doing, you're doing it right.

3. Condiments packed in those small plastic packets taste better than the bottled ones. There's no philosophical meaning behind this one, it just tastes gosh darn better for some inexplicable reason. I have a small box full of stolen sauce packets in my kitchen for late night burger chow downs and sandwich breaks.

Signing off this post with Death Cab's new song. I've been listening to it all night. Forgive my shameless fan girl-ing.

    Sunday 29 May 2011

    There Were No Coconut Trees

    Location: Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
    Mission: Spend 3 carefree days eating and exploring.
    Results: Tanned skin and 800 digital images. Oh, and thigh burns.

    Wednesday 25 May 2011

    Three-Leaf Clover

    What I feel for you is indifference. I appreciate the apology but it was really unnecessary.

    If what I am to you and what we had is just a cold and brutal reminder of what kind of person you really are, so be it. If that was the only reason God put you & I together then I'm glad it was me instead of someone else. When you left me I was drained. Even my bones felt hollow. Just thinking about it right now makes me feel bare. Funny thing is, between then and now, I've filled that big empty space with more love than I could have ever imagined. It's not even at full capacity.

    I hope you come to terms with your mistakes. I hope you'll find peace eventually. I'm not saying this as a friend (forgiveness does not equal to friendship), but rather as someone who genuinely cared about you in the past (which you failed to see).
    "Am I really that awful?"
    "You have your whole life to figure that out."

    Monday 23 May 2011

    Curls in Bread

    Something's bothering me. Usually when I feel this way I just watch some dusty old funny movie and put my misery aside for a more convenient hour but tonight I'm rolling with it. Guitar on the foot of my bed and a really depressing book, I'm bringing out the big guns tonight.

    I had this sudden rush of energy on the first day of my break so this burn out was foreseeable. There's just something about tonight that feels so right for a long cry. In other news, I just realized that in the last two days I've only been out with couples. Where are all my single friends? I don't know if I'm angered or amused by God's strange humor. It could be a little bit of both. I wonder if this gigantic zit I have on my forehead is also an element of His humor.

    I'm off to an evening of gloom. If you listen closely to the wind, you might hear a really bad rendition of Regina Spektor's 'Summer in The City'. I would like to apologize in advance.

    Friday 20 May 2011

    Diane Birch - Fire Escape

    I can't figure out her voice. It's so out of place but it fits her songs so well. Also, check out her live performances. They're out of this world.

    Monday 16 May 2011

    Skinny Love

    If I could rock the piano, I'd cover this cover and die happily in the arms of my art.

    Sunday 15 May 2011

    Star Trolls

    Me: At 19, I can finally say that I've seen all 6 episodes of Star Wars. I can die peacefully now.

    Myra: Is that the one with Spock?

    Me: ...You should be glad that no Star Wars fan heard you or else you'd be dead.

    Shoulders Back, Chin Up


    After years of struggling with my weight, I feel so differently about my body now.

    Mr. Zainudin

    I lost my dad in a car accident 11 years ago. My aunt did some spring cleaning and found these pictures in an old, misplaced album. To think that it had been in a store room, left to the shadows and dust, makes me wonder how many pictures of him are in this world that I've yet to see. I wonder if the two dimensional pictures that I have of him are enough for me to piece together a three dimensional father that I didn't get a chance to know.

    Hormonal Sunday

    I've been single for approximately 4 months and a week. Studying in a private University surrounded by hundreds (possibly thousands) of educated young men, one would think that a feat like this is near impossible. Yet here I am, unabashed (for even thinking of writing about this requires steel nerves) and true-to-the-word single.

    Now don't mistake this as a cry for attention because if I were indeed trying to get attention from anyone or whosoever I would save myself the trouble, take the easy (pun alert) road and just tweet a picture of myself in my floral underwear.

    No mental pictures now, you sly creature.

    Back to my point, sometimes at night after re-watching old episodes of crime-solving shows and I get a little lonesome, (because nothing quite hits the heart like intense interrogations and car chase scenes...) I do a double take and remember all of the errors I had made in previous calculations of the heart. Basically what I'm trying to say is after countless trials of long-term and short-term relationships, the end result is always disastrous. The science geek in me is practically yelling "HYPOTHESIS PROVEN: THE ODDS ARE AGAINST YOU, WRITE A REPORT AND MOVE ON TO A DIFFERENT EXPERIMENT."

    And the glitches that can present themselves in the midst of an innocent get-to-know are countless. Religion, cultural beliefs, parental intervention, movie debates, I've seen 'em all! 

    But naturally, the hopeless romantic hiding somewhere in the niche of my mind refuses to accept these obvious signs and simply dismisses them as 'lessons masquerading as pain'. The sad part is the doomed relationships I constantly hear about late at night in the confinements of my dorm room don't phase me even one bit. I suddenly become this relationship aficionado and dissect the little mistakes these couples (who are strangers, by the way) made that they could have easily avoided. These stories get me thinking that maybe, just maybe, if I find the right person, under the right circumstances and we're thrown in the same situation, we'd get our toy guns and BB the heck out of any trouble that comes in our way.

    Like mature and responsible adults.

    Conflicting ideas between the head and the heart. Minimum significance to your life, but maximum relatability I hope. I'll save the interesting topics for my upcoming posts.

    Saturday 14 May 2011

    First of Many

    I can't believe I'm back here again. Sometimes I think my relationship with blogs are more volatile than my real life connections. Two weeks ago, after casually using the phrase "lollerskates" in a heated discussion over coffee and shepherd's pie, I came to a realization that Tumblr was reducing my vocabulary immensely with its redundant LOLSPEAK and unnecessary capitalization to emphasize humor.

    I hope I'm not misleading anyone with all of this excitement on a first post. I get an unreasonable high each time I start a new blog. I like the chase (of new thoughts and philosophical jabbering). This time I'll try to commit.